Kate Gait
James Fillingham
Joe Gallimore
Nigel Sinsbury
2016 Minutes
JC: proposed 2016 minutes
Seconded (adrian luckins)
No matters arising
2017 Tournament Review
JC showed the tournament feedback presentation from CS Coaching
CS: collated feedback from 175 teams (46 teams replied)
63% excellent
35% good
87% excellent
11% good
70% excellent
24% good
main comment: pitches too close together
22% excellent
54% good
46% execllent
39% good
15% satisfactory
74% excellent or good
some issues with refs. 2 did not turn up (will not be invited next year. May be too many young
MR: can we invite more teams? CS: at capacity really. An even number of pitches easier to manage.
SB: comment: more smartly-dressed refs. @agreed
CS: PA being broken made it very difficult to communicate, need to double check it next year
JC: early tournament meeting this year (November) to sort out detailed actions from this tournament & start organising next year
TC: car parking feedback: no signage – so people were going in to Bushy Park rather than coming down the road! @better signage directing people
TC: why do we still have cricket matches? Can we improve that?
Exec Reports
JC invited all to read printed reports.
@JC to forward on to WP to attach to minutes DONE
SB: kit spend up – did our spend go up because of extra kit for teams, with less sponsorship?
JC: 1. lack of sponsors 2. first year of Nike kit (had to hit target for Nike agreement)
AL: info about parental purchases?
JC: we have a detailed spreadsheet, can subtract what we bought as a club.
TC: more messaging / marketing needed to up the sales.
AL: need the marketing role to be filled (WP: did advertise this last year with 10% incentive)
NPLYFC Committee 2017-2018
JC: Name change – IT coordinator
JC: 4 vacant roles needed to be filled. Most importantly Secretary role.
SP: (secretary) moving away but will shadow the role
JC: CGL & SYL Secretary posts will be vreated for next season – one person (parent/official) from those league teams
JC: Next season the Secretary role will be just by dealing with County.
JC: CGL Secretary – one of the new managers
JC: SYL Secretary @need someone by 4th Sept (1st mgrs mtg).
(general discussion about poor attendance and lack of volunteering, no actions taken)
JC: Propose roles
Seconded (Gary Parker )
Exec Committee
JC: to the floor – general comments about set-up?
AL: Exec is required to make decsions quickly works well and should remain.
TC: we should be clear that the model allows people to be seconded into the group to help out
JC: Proposed
Seconded (Steve Bates)
JC showed the proposed calendar for the year
AL: what are the age groups for Friday/Saturday session for the end of season presentations? JC: Upto U13s Saturday, 14s+ for Friday
TC: safeguarding. We will police it more closely as we go. Events in FA have driven the need for this.
TC: Expect all officials to cooperate with this.
TC: Look for help with dates – bottleneck because of similar dates for expiry of checks. Will try to eleviate this by sending out a pre-emptive strike before the automatic mail goes out. Will be as flexible as possible, hopefully managers will be flexible also.
MR: are there any coaching courses coming up?
JC: October for ref course, September for coaches course.
The AGM was closed.