Category Archives: Minutes

NPL Youth Football Club Tournament Meeting Minutes 25/11/19

NPL Youth Football Club Tournament Meeting Minutes 25/11/19

Venue – NPL Sports Club, Sports Pavilion – 1930

Compiled by Nizar El-Chamaa

Attendees: Mel Read (MR) – Chairman; Nizar El-Chamaa (NEC) – Vice Chairman, Nerys Weir (NW) –  Treasurer, Will Palmer (WP) – Fixtures Secretary, Sarah Del Rio (SDR) – Referee Coordinator, Seb Pizzuto (SP) – Recruitment Secretary, Julie Smith (JS) – Sponsorship Coordinator, Jamie Smith (JS) – U10 Dynamos, Gareth Morgan (GM) – U13 Blues, Matt Bennie (MB) – U14 Neutrons, David Coates (DC) – U7 Protons, Colin Smith (CS) – CS Coaching

Apologies for Absence:

U7 Atoms, U7 Stars, U8 Atoms, U8 Cosmos, U8 Rockets, U9 Galaxy, U10 Protons, U11 Atoms, U11 Protons, U11 Electrons, U12 Sharks, U12 Tigers, U12 Bulls

ITEM 1 – Tournament Update


  • Tournament date confirmed as 30th and 31st of May 2020 – Weekend before half-term
  • Potentially the last year for tournament to be run by CS Coaching
  • Kick offs to start 30 minutes early at 0900 and 1400 for morning and afternoon sessions on both days respectively
  • Registrations at 0830 on Saturday and Sunday
  • Saturday morning sessions: U11, U12 age groups on 7 pitches
  • Saturday afternoon sessions: U7, U9 age groups on 7 pitches
  • Sunday morning sessions: U10, U13 age groups on 8 pitches
  • Sunday afternoon sessions: U8, U14, U15 age groups on 8 pitches
  • Max squad sizes increased to increase revenue and gate receipts
  • Sin Bin rules in place
  • U9 + extra time – players to be taken off – after 2 mins at 2v2, subs can be used
  • No streaming at U14 and U15 age groups
  • New online Tournament Management System (TMS) to be used for fixtures and results: (click on NPL Youth)
  • Whiteboard still to be used in conjunction for transition purposes
  • Online entry and player forms to be used
  • Online registrations to be used
  • Live date for non-NPLYFC teams is Saturday 4th of Jan.
  • CS needs to know the maximum number of NPLYFC teams. Better to cancel than want to be added later on.
  • Invites to teams will be sent out on that date.
  • NPLYFC to promote via Fixtures template
  • NPLYFC blacklist to include unwanted teams from last year
  • Tournament team fee to be raised to £45 from £40.
  • Car park required to be open 30 mins earlier due to earlier kick off times.
  • There was a total of 146 teams for 2019 tournament – not including NPLYFC teams
  • JS to work at adverts for tournament programme – CS to send templates
  • Questions on costs for programme, marquees
  • Improvements from last year’s tournaments include:
    • More Volunteers
    • More sponsorship
    • Cost reductions


NEXT MEETING – Mon 3rd Feb 7.30pm


NPL Youth Football Club Committee Meeting Minutes 25/11/19

NPL Youth Football Club Committee Meeting Minutes 25/11/19

Venue – NPL Sports Club, Sports Pavilion – 1830

Compiled by Nizar El-Chamaa

Attendees: Mel Read (MR) – Chairman; Nizar El-Chamaa (NEC) – Vice Chairman, Nerys Weir (NW) –  Treasurer, Will Palmer (WP) – Fixtures Secretary, Sarah Del Rio (SDR) – Referee Coordinator, Seb Pizzuto (SP) – Recruitment Secretary, Julie Smith (JS) – Sponsorship Coordinator.

Apologies for Absence:

Lee Drane (LD) – Equipment Coordinator, Ben Walton (BW) – Registration Secretary, Simon Karrie (SK) – Coach Mentor, Steve Bates (SB) – Child Welfare Officer


ITEM 2 – Sectional Updates

MR + JS:

  • Richard Roberts (RR) is new trustree at NPL Sports Club.
  • Sports Sections have been siloed for too long and needs to change. Integrate to survive.
  • Funding from NPL will be down to Zero in 2020/2021
  • Sectional fees will be going up.
  • One combined pot across all sports sections for the sinking funds.
  • Mel to meet all sectional heads in due course.
  • Working closely with Cricket section to help them increase players
  • NPL Sports Section survey will be sent out
  • Discussions ongoing about 4G pitch at NPLSC
  • Wine tasting, quiz nights and January family day planned
  • NPLSC kitchen and catering is being considered for change – Halloumi Bites is on the list of potential companies taking it over



  • Referee course in Jan with FA tutor – Waiting to confirm pitches
  • Attendees will need 5 games to qualify – working with Teddington Athletic Football Club (TAFC) to offer this
  • Whatsapp group for all refs already set up between NPLYFC, TAFC & Hearts Teddlothians.



  • Managers need to chase parents more with regards to sub fees.
  • Registration cards can no longer be withheld in the event of non-payment – need solution for this.


  • NPL pitches not being available for first weeks of league games had a knock on effect which meant NPLYFC teams having fewer home games. Not necessarily a bad thing considering pitch recovery times.
  • SYL U7 fixture secretary making life difficult as slow to upload fixtures.
  • SYL staffing issues not helping matters


  • Work on new NPLYFC website postponed due to likelihood of new integrated website required for all sections.
  • Potential for NPLYFC APP also to be licensed to other NPLSC sections.

NEXT MEETING – Mon 3rd Feb 6.30pm

NPLYFC AGM 24.06.19

NPLYFC AGM 2019 Agenda



Steve Bates, Mike Ruddick, Simon Moore.

Tournament Review

JC: extended thanks to all volunteers and the CS coaching team
Colin Smith gave a summary:
  • review is generally very positive. We now have a 5 year trend to analyse
  • 178 places, all filled except last year when the Club added another pitch to the tournament.
  • Lots of responses this year from attendees
  • Generally rated 93% excellent, 7% good: figures have got better over the 5 years, which is encouraging
  • Venue was rated 67% excellent, 31% good. 1 person poor (issue with car parking: “issue with parking – long walk”
Matt Bennie: my parents have done car parking the last couple of years. Get some abuse, especially from people not involved in tournament (dog walkers etc) wanting to park
JC: we have learnt that we should send all attendees down to main NPL car park in future – there is plenty of room. Leave the side road to dog walkers etc
Floor: Testing area – people slipping on it, can we surround with fence? Also losing balls in the nettles
JC: not allowed to erect a proper fence, hard enough to put up pavilions near it
  • Refreshments: restricted to a few stands. 87% happy with offering. Obviously the quality etc needs to be weighed up with potential profit.
JC: need many more volunteers. Still need parents to step up for their 1.5 hours per year volunteering
Floor: Half term week affect volunteering
JC: we want keep weekend the same because everyone knows this is NPL tournament week and we don’t clash with other Clubs’ tournament
AW: We have fewer of the older age groups, who are aware through experience of how many volunteers are needs. Need more from younger age groups. We Make Footballers setup has a downside: need to educate the new parents about the need for volunteers. Managers need to take a bit more ownership.
[Open discussion had of different carrot-stick methods to get volunteers]
  • Format: expended game time to 12min, streaming ability, no penalties, more in younger age groups. Philosophy point. Feedback split: 50/50. 97% happy with format though.
JC: last year we had conflicts during penalty shoot-outs because of inexperienced young refs not being used to running a penalty shoot out.
CS: advised by FA that the new format is better for a child’s mental health.
Gareth M: may be dangerous to not allow substitutes during the knock-out stage.
Matt B: there is a part of the rule that allows substitution at refs discretion.
  • Other comments are numerous and often conflicting! (pitch too small/big etc). Can’t please all…
  • Referees: standard was generally very good. 85% good/excellent.
  • Overall: 100% good or excellent. Feedback included “best tournament that we’ve been to”
JC: Lots of work this year for ~£2K profit – down on last year. The balance between profit and delivering a fun tournament needs to be looked at for next year in light of this.
Julie: Don’t underestimate the reputation that the club tournament has.


Reports from the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer were attached to the invitation and therefore were not read out. (They are attached to this page).No questions or comments.


JC: Addition of new roles to the committee:
  • Head of Girls (need more girls teams)
  • Head of Recruitment (for volunteers and players)
  • Assistant Fixture Secretary (WP: not sure this has to be a formal role, nobody to nominate yet JC: keep it for when there is someone)
New roles: no objections – passed.
JC stepping down as chair, AW stepping down as Vice Chair.
James Cranston nominates Mel Read, Will Palmer seconds – passes with no objections
Nerys Weir nominates Niz El-Chamaa, James Cranston seconds – passes with no objections
James Cranston nominates Niz El-Chamaa Jamie Clarke seconds – passes with no objections
Niz El-Chamaa nominates Nerys Weir Mel Read seconds – passes with no objections
Fixture Secretary
Gareth Dixon nominates Will Palmer Matt Bennie seconds – passes with no objections
EBFA Secretary
James Cranston nominates Niz El-Chamaa [?] seconds – passes with no objections
SYL Secretary
James Cranston nominates Ben Walton Niz El-Chamaa seconds – passes with no objections
Social Secretary
Mel Read nominates Julie Smith James Cranston seconds – passes with no objections
Child Welfare
James Cranston nominates Steve B Antony Weir seconds – passes with no objections
Referee Coordinator
Will Palmer nominates Sarah Del Rio Seb Pizutto seconds – passes with no objections
Sponsorship Coordinator
Mel Read nominates Julie Smith James Cranston seconds – passes with no objections
Charter Standard Officer
James Cranston nominates Niz El Chamaa Mel Read seconds – passes with no objections
IT Officer
James Cranston proposes Will Palmer Mel Read seconds – passes with no objections
Equipment Coordinator
Will Palmer proposes Lee Drane  James Cranston seconds – passes with no objections
Head of Recruitment
Mel Read proposes Seb Pizutto James Cranston seconds – passes with no objections
Head of Girls
MR: the person who was suggested for the role is away – potentially vote them in at first managers meeting of the season instead.
Discussion was had about Girls teams, age groups. Can be any age up to U18.


MR: getting close to finalising. end of week?
WP: will teams keep the same slots where possible or if they want? MR: Yes
AC: Training starts late considering season starts beginning of Sept.
JC: we have funds for 26 slots (13 each side of Xmas). This may change next season


AW: when JC stepped up there was some reservation. After 5 years in charge, the Club is cash positive, we have a Nike agreement, proper policies in place, good training facilities and rota. He is handing the Club over in very good order.
NEC: added his thanks to James and Antony for their fantastic work in the previous 5 years and highlighted the fact that James did this without even being a parent of a player at NPL.
Meeting was closed.






Kate Gait
James Fillingham
Joe Gallimore
Nigel Sinsbury


2016 Minutes

JC: proposed 2016 minutes
Seconded (adrian luckins)
No matters arising


2017 Tournament Review

JC showed the tournament feedback presentation from CS Coaching

CS: collated feedback from 175 teams (46 teams replied)
63% excellent
35% good

87% excellent
11% good

70% excellent
24% good

  • main comment: pitches too close together

22% excellent
54% good

46% execllent
39% good
15% satisfactory

74% excellent or good

  • some issues with refs. 2 did not turn up (will not be invited next year. May be too many young

MR: can we invite more teams? CS: at capacity really. An even number of pitches easier to manage.
SB: comment: more smartly-dressed refs. @agreed
CS: PA being broken made it very difficult to communicate, need to double check it next year
JC: early tournament meeting this year (November) to sort out detailed actions from this tournament & start organising next year
TC: car parking feedback: no signage – so people were going in to Bushy Park rather than coming down the road! @better signage directing people

TC: why do we still have cricket matches? Can we improve that?


Exec Reports

JC invited all to read printed reports.

@JC to forward on to WP to attach to minutes DONE
SB: kit spend up – did our spend go up because of extra kit for teams, with less sponsorship?
JC: 1. lack of sponsors 2. first year of Nike kit (had to hit target for Nike agreement)
AL: info about parental purchases?
JC: we have a detailed spreadsheet, can subtract what we bought as a club.
TC: more messaging / marketing needed to up the sales.
AL: need the marketing role to be filled (WP: did advertise this last year with 10% incentive)



NPLYFC Committee 2017-2018

JC: Name change – IT coordinator
JC: 4 vacant roles needed to be filled. Most importantly Secretary role.
SP: (secretary) moving away but will shadow the role
JC: CGL & SYL Secretary posts will be vreated for next season – one person (parent/official) from those league teams
JC: Next season the Secretary role will be just by dealing with County.
JC: CGL Secretary – one of the new managers
JC: SYL Secretary @need someone by 4th Sept (1st mgrs mtg).
(general discussion about poor attendance and lack of volunteering, no actions taken)

JC: Propose roles

Seconded (Gary Parker )


Exec Committee

JC: to the floor – general comments about set-up?
AL: Exec is required to make decsions quickly works well and should remain.
TC: we should be clear that the model allows people to be seconded into the group to help out
JC: Proposed

Seconded (Steve Bates)



JC showed the proposed calendar for the year

AL: what are the age groups for Friday/Saturday session for the end of season presentations? JC: Upto U13s Saturday, 14s+ for Friday



TC: safeguarding. We will police it more closely as we go. Events in FA have driven the need for this.
TC: Expect all officials to cooperate with this.
TC: Look for help with dates – bottleneck because of similar dates for expiry of checks. Will try to eleviate this by sending out a pre-emptive strike before the automatic mail goes out. Will be as flexible as possible, hopefully managers will be flexible also.

MR: are there any coaching courses coming up?
JC: October for ref course, September for coaches course.

The AGM was closed.