NPL Youth Football Club Committee Meeting Minutes 25/11/19
Venue – NPL Sports Club, Sports Pavilion – 1830
Compiled by Nizar El-Chamaa
Attendees: Mel Read (MR) – Chairman; Nizar El-Chamaa (NEC) – Vice Chairman, Nerys Weir (NW) – Treasurer, Will Palmer (WP) – Fixtures Secretary, Sarah Del Rio (SDR) – Referee Coordinator, Seb Pizzuto (SP) – Recruitment Secretary, Julie Smith (JS) – Sponsorship Coordinator.
Apologies for Absence:
Lee Drane (LD) – Equipment Coordinator, Ben Walton (BW) – Registration Secretary, Simon Karrie (SK) – Coach Mentor, Steve Bates (SB) – Child Welfare Officer
ITEM 2 – Sectional Updates
MR + JS:
- Richard Roberts (RR) is new trustree at NPL Sports Club.
- Sports Sections have been siloed for too long and needs to change. Integrate to survive.
- Funding from NPL will be down to Zero in 2020/2021
- Sectional fees will be going up.
- One combined pot across all sports sections for the sinking funds.
- Mel to meet all sectional heads in due course.
- Working closely with Cricket section to help them increase players
- NPL Sports Section survey will be sent out
- Discussions ongoing about 4G pitch at NPLSC
- Wine tasting, quiz nights and January family day planned
- NPLSC kitchen and catering is being considered for change – Halloumi Bites is on the list of potential companies taking it over
- Referee course in Jan with FA tutor – Waiting to confirm pitches
- Attendees will need 5 games to qualify – working with Teddington Athletic Football Club (TAFC) to offer this
- Whatsapp group for all refs already set up between NPLYFC, TAFC & Hearts Teddlothians.
- Managers need to chase parents more with regards to sub fees.
- Registration cards can no longer be withheld in the event of non-payment – need solution for this.
- NPL pitches not being available for first weeks of league games had a knock on effect which meant NPLYFC teams having fewer home games. Not necessarily a bad thing considering pitch recovery times.
- SYL U7 fixture secretary making life difficult as slow to upload fixtures.
- SYL staffing issues not helping matters
- Work on new NPLYFC website postponed due to likelihood of new integrated website required for all sections.
- Potential for NPLYFC APP also to be licensed to other NPLSC sections.
NEXT MEETING – Mon 3rd Feb 6.30pm